I don't think there is a better quote that describes parenting, or life for that matter, than this quote. Each Halloween I try to recall my children's costumes worn each year since they were born. My kids are now 14, 11 and 8 so it was getting a little difficult to recall. And I found myself feeling a bit sad not being able to remember these joyful little moments.
When I stumbled upon these adorable cards last year by DoubleBravo, I was thrilled! What a brilliant idea! I immediately ordered three of them. Of course, they then sat in my Halloween decor up in the attic for a whole year until I happily discovered them again. So, I sat down with my kids and luckily we were able to remember each and every costume.
You may be thinking "why doesn't she just look back at photos to recall these past halloweens?" One could do that if one were organized and had placed photos in albums like a good mommy. By the time we had our third child, Lily, well, you know how that goes (notice there are no photos of Lily in her costume the first few years; she'll surely be in therapy for that). I did manage to scrape up a few old (and recent) photos to reminisce.
while my kids may roll their eyes at me for compiling such a list, I think it will be a different reaction in 20 years when they look upon these clever cards and just maybe i'll get a "thanks, mom!"
Enjoy these little moments, for they are treasures too easily forgotten...